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Civic building

Washhouse @ Jalan Bahar


  • Design development

  • Authorities submission

  • Construction drawing

The Burial Preparation Facility at Jalan Bahar aka. Washhouse is managed by NEA operator. This is a D&B project and we are the QP appointed by the Contractor. The Client and Contractor look up to us for compliance, design and technical advice.

I am involved in the design, plan preparation and submission to the authorities and subsequently obtaining TOPCSC.  As this building is considered as a Funeral Parlour, the building has to comply to Environmental Public Health (Funeral Parlours)

Carpark Extension at CCK Columbarium


  • Design development

  • Authorities submission

  • Construction drawing

Similar to the Washhouse, this is a D&B project and we are the QP appointed by the Contractor. The Client and Contractor look up to us for compliance, design and technical advice.

The proposed new extension of 161 car parking lots with 3 accessible lots to CCK columbarium is to cater to the high volume of visitors during festive seasons thus preventing visitor from parking along the roadside.

Manual drop barrier will be used to prevent parking within the new parking lot extension during non-festive season.

Waiver to LTA has been made to increase the carparking lots. Detention drain has been proposed instead of a detention tank as the site area is more than 2 hectares.

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